Anova Capital Management
Detailed Tracking and Accountability
Flexible Capital Arrangements
Fact Driven Opportunity Analysis
On-the-Ground Partner
Rapid and Informed Decisionmaking
Superior Execution
Detailed Tracking and Accountability
Fact Driven Opportunity Analysis
Flexible Capital Arrangements
On-the-Ground Partner
Rapid and Informed Decisionmaking
Superior Execution
Detailed Tracking and Accountability
Flexible Capital Arrangements
Fact Driven Opportunity Analysis
On-the-Ground Partner
Rapid and Informed Decisionmaking
Superior Execution
Detailed Tracking and Accountability
Flexible Capital Arrangements
Fact Driven Opportunity Analysis
On-the-Ground Partner
Superior Execution
Fact Driven Opportunity Analysis
On-the-Ground Partner

Our Approach

Our focus is on companies that will benefit appreciably from our unique investor/operating partner approach.

We work directly on-site with portfolio company management to improve operations and offer flexible capital arrangements to meet the company’s needs. We emphasize fact driven opportunity analysis; rapid, informed decision making; and disciplined execution with detailed tracking and accountability. Areas where we typically improve operations include but are not limited to:

  • Accelerating revenue growth through reallocation of marketing dollars, tactical pricing adjustments and realignment of distribution channels to distinct customer segments.
  • Repositioning the organization for growth by redesigning incentive compensation plans, restructuring responsibilities and reporting relationships, and recruiting key management team members. In some cases, Anova Capital Management executives will assume senior management roles.
  • Improving operating efficiency through tighter financial controls, application of strategic sourcing, streamlining of back office operations, and rapid payback process improvement initiatives.
See our Investment Portfolio

We work directly on-site with portfolio company management to improve operations and offer flexible capital arrangements to meet the company’s needs.

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